Monday, April 20, 2009

One last driving fact

Here in Italy they have two police officers that pull you over I learned last week. One guy to step into the road to tell you to pull over and the other holds a machine gun to shoot at your tires may you decide to try and speed away from the police. Don't worry mom they just are suppose to hit your tires and I would definitely stop.
So this week Sean is working long hours which basically means both of us waking up really early...kinda like when I worked at Starbucks! Our weeks here have actually been pretty busy. Sean is doing the sound board for the chapel services which keeps us busy on Wednesday nights and Sundays and we have Bible study on Friday nights. We have found some Christians here and have been able to build some positive friendships and have found some support in those relationships.
We received word that my (Laura's) visa finally arrived and we should be getting soon in Italy which will then mean that I can try and find a job. I have some leads but now I can be more proactive. Today I helped out with making burritos for the guys on base with some of the women at church and tomorrow we deliver them? I don't know we didn't do it today??? Basically I'm finding ways to volunteer and keep busy through the midst of continuing to try and find a job and get to know people especially while Sean is working.
Last weekend we were able to get out and see more of the area which just seems more and more beautiful!
We know it's about bed time here as the singing man just passed by a little bit ago. There is an elderly very much DRUNK old man that comes from the center of Cordenons (we know that because we have seen him there on several different occasions at cafes or bars) singing at the top of his lungs in Italian, it's great! (not the drunk part).
Laura and Sean

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I don't know if that's cool that they shoot tires of escapees or just plain scary! I'm sure that not many people try to escape knowing that their car will get shot at, so that's the cool part. And the whole middle lane thing to pass people, that would freak me out a little bit until I got used to it! What an adventure you are having!

    Shari Baker
