Friday, May 8, 2009

Job opportunity

It's been a very busy couple of days but wanted to write a quick note before bed. Tomorrow we are waking up early to go and hang out with my cousin Amy in Venice! We are excited about it and it will be so great to see her! I was able to go to the library today and check out some books on traveling in Venice for maps and for just more facts that we did not have the first time we went together!
So I was able to put in an application with one of the university's on the base which would be a great job! I will let you know more about it but just give it over to God and I believe if this is not road he has then he will reveal something else. I am excited about it as it sounds like a fun job that would offer some good challenges (Hannah you're right I like the word challenges). We are praying that whatever God has for me in this job search that we will be open to what he has to teach us!
Sean finished his first week on the new job and loves it so far! He has very set hours and only works 8 hour days :) We have also been able to have lunch together a couple times throughout the week as I try not to leave the base to much in order to not use more gas.
I was able to go to a running clinic that Sean was going to go to with me but then he had already been so I went alone. It was helpful because the guy had trained several marathon runners and was able to help with my running form and some needed changes, along with help with shoe type needed, stretches, and different training aspects!
That's all for now because we have to wake up in a couple of hours! Have a great rest of your Friday afternoon!

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