Monday, May 4, 2009

New Job

Sorry it's been so long since a last posting but it has been a very busy week or so. Today Sean actually begins a new job that will keep his hours to working a normal work day and is just much more family friendly. He was working 12 hour shifts and it went longer at times and shorter and so I had was in the parking lot writing letters or reading waiting for him to be done at the time he was suppose to be off. I was able to get many things done waiting but am happy that he has a job that is more consistent and not as draining for him.
The last week or so has really been mainly working, eating, and then sleeping for Sean. I was running around attempting to continue to contact people about jobs and get involved in some different volunteer opportunities on base. I am actually going to start working with the high school group at the chapel for the last couple of weeks of the school year in leading a book discussion around "More than a Carpenter" on Wednesday nights as Sean works on sound. I am also learning how to cook....It seems that many people here love to cook and I just agree to help when asked. I have learned some things and Sean and I definitely don't go hungry but God is working in my heart to enjoy this but I do enjoy being around the people!
So random fact that I keep forgetting to mention are the rabits here...WOW....they are the size of dogs...If anyone knew my dog Ginger growing up these "rabits" are just a little bit bigger then her. I think they are actually jack rabits...they are huge!
This up and coming Saturday we are going to meet up with my cousin Amy who is also in Italy but just for the summer and we are going to go to Venice again! We are going to be able to take along some history or travel books with us this time to help us understand the city better!
Hope all is well and would love to hear from you all!


  1. I'm glad that you get to go to Venice again! How beautiful that must be! I've seen one of those huge rabbits. When I used to do in-home therapy for foster children, I went to a home for the first time, knowing that they had rabbits. They had said that they had let the rabbits out. All of a sudden, I see something behind me, and screamed because the rabbit that I thought would be little was a huge, large dog-sized rabbit! YIKES!

  2. That's really I recall you have many funny in home experiences. How are you doing?
